History of Mayas

The Mayas were the most civilized culture in the whole of the Americas at the time. The Mayan culture covered the territories of Chiapas and Yucatán (Mexican territories), the departments of Izabal and Petén in Guatemala and Copán in Honduras. Although it is not known how they came to Guatemala, it is widely believed that their origin is Asian, this affirmation is based on six perfectly identifiable anthropological characteristics: Fold of eyelid, The presence of the mongolic spot, Its scarce beard. Lower height, The black and limp hair. Its religion was polytheistic (they worshipped many gods). The theory generally accepted is that they crossed the strait of Bering, taking advantage of the conditions of the frozen and icy conditions in that region during certain months of the year. Classification of Mayan history is divided into three large Periods:
Pre-Classical (300 B.C to the 325 A.C) In this period they were an agricultural society. This activity forced them to to observe the seasons of the year for its cultivations, and also the course of the Sun and the cycle of the Moon, which first inspired the study of astronomy, in which they were extremely advanced, observing the stars, while at the same time, coming up with a system of geroglyphical writing and a sophisticated numerical system. They created sculpted works of art, rough and without detail and expression. Also, the ceramics from that time reveal that commerce existed in some form or another.
Classical (325 to the 900 of our it was) It is in this Period that Mayan architecture really comes into its own, with buildings rising to 70 meters. Art reaches its peak, with beautiful sculptures, and lovely multicoloured pieces of pottery. The Mayan calendar is refined to perfection, accounting for the passing of the days and years perfectly, with no mistake.
Post Classical (987 to 1204 A.C) The cities that flourished during the classical epoch are inexplicably abandoned. In this period arise the famous invasions of Kukulkán known also by the name of Quetzalcoat. Also, it is during this period that the Mayans disappears, leaving no trace behind them.